
Tootin' Ye Olde Horn.

I am, by nature, a rewriter of history. Most storytellers are, I think. That's fitting. We want to be able to reimagine life differently than what it is. We need to birth new worlds, see deeper into moments, find a poet no further away than our own writing table. But it's a problem for me when I find that, in the act of recreating, I can no longer remember things as they really happened. I want the truth AND the lie on hand at all times.

Case in point: my new moniker, "J.C., J.D."

When I remember law school, I feel lonely instantly. I put on a sweater and notice that it's suddenly too tight. I make a pot of coffee. My stomach knots. I breathe in, not the warm invitation of old books and oversized wooden tables of childhood libraries, but the antiseptic smell of a new facility housing nothing but legal reporters and always kept five degrees colder than was comfortable. In mid-August, I feel as though I haven't seen the sun for days.

This is a false memory.

True, these are accurate memories. For parts of my law school career, I was uncertain, unhealthy, and alone in a new culture -- one I wasn't sure I liked -- for large amounts of time. But I don't want these memories to overtake the rest of what happened here, because the entire truth is this: in these three years, I became. I stepped foot on the very ground that prompted me to law school in the first place. I helped people who were too afraid of violence to go home at night. Friends found me. One of them encouraged me to put back on my running shoes. Church became a sanctuary. I forgave and was forgiven. The world opened: I got my first passport and unexpectedly lived in London. I fell in love and was loved right back. My kitchen became a new zone of creativity. I showed my written work to someone other than my mother or boyfriend. I gained the confidence to take classes that couldn't help my GPA. I learned that, if anything, I need to dream more deeply than I have. Somewhere along the way, the adventurer within awakened from a long, quiet sleep.

...and on that note, I do hereby solemnly swear and promise to cease and desist from writing only about myself. This city is too darned crazy and wonderful to appear so infrequently here!


Blogger embee said...

congratulations, my dear. if i'd been a doctor i'd been M.B. M.D. i can only wish, and sometimes pretend, i suppose.


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