
Another Teaser.

Hey, just because it's "Personal Admin Week 2006" here at Joplinista doesn't mean we can't hearken back to Rome circa, oh, three weeks ago, and admit that it is certainly on the docket to capture, forever, in white space. In the meantime, a simple quiz for those who miss school already:

Q: You're tired. You're hot. You're hungry, your feet are swelling like you're about to birth an elephant, your skirt just flew up over your head as you walked over a subway vent, and you know what? You're a wee bit grumpy. Now look at the giant sausage. What's it saying to you?

A.) Lick it!
B.) Typical.
C.) "Your estimated monthly payments, based on the information you provided, will be $1,125.57. To make these payments, you will need to earn a minimum annual salary of $146,940."
D.) All of the above, and then some.


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