

Well, I'm here! (In London, that is.) I don't have the time nor the internet connection to wax rhapsodic about anything other than to say that, so far, I love my placement, the Program in general, the classes, the city, and the proximity to Bryan (albeit not necessarily all in that order). There should be a limit as to how many blogging hiati one can go on--I think this is my third--but this one, at least, has little do with me. So long as I can't access Blogger from my home, no updates will ensue. I won't complain. Life is quite full right now, and it's much easier to escape the homing device that seems to have settled right behind my LCD screen when it doesn't work correctly.

Shall I email you instead and call it even? I'll certainly try. I don't miss the States quite yet (I do miss the dollar being worth what it's worth!), but I do miss the people. A bientot!

P.S. Krish, happy birthday! See you soon!


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