
Two Do.

I stumbled across this site today. A compulsive list-maker, I found it good to see how many others enjoy encapsulating life's less pleasant chores -- taxes? and credit cards? and diskettes? and banks? and a wart, just because life wasn't good enough with all of them there taxes? -- into neat, manageable, polite tales of responsibility and procrastination. This one caught my eye for one reason: I've always marveled at those who do not cross, and double-cross, and then neatly scribble out the things they've managed to achieve on one of these babies. What's the good of keeping a list if one doesn't have the satisfaction of erasing errands into oblivion?

In the end, however, I prefer to keep other lists -- the kinds one doesn't have to, want to, or prefer to erase:

Prayers answered.
Sounds coming from the neighbor's house.
Summer loves.
How many days until.
Books to read.
Aid organizations.
Craft ideas.
Why I love him.
Letters to write.
Five-year goals.
School supplies.
What I don't understand.
Essay ideas.
Conversations to have.
Questions to ask.
Clothes to modify.
Christmas gifts.
Classes to take.

And, of course, Wart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Would you mind sharing your list of five year goals?

Thanks, Sorry

Blogger chutes aNd LADDERS said...

Live (and free) piano concerts to fall asleep to
Drives home from Sanctuary
Wearing your older sister's clothes (and not getting them dirty)
Getting them dirty and not getting hounded
Watching Pride and Prejudice
Thrift store shopping sprees
Pastries. "I love my pastry."
Pre-fart preludes
Visits to Boston
Bacon pancakes?
Being at home
Conversations with the mirror
Observing conversations with the mirror

Hearing happiness on the telephone


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