
Setting Fire to the Third Bar

I call this series, "Someone Has Obviously Gotten a Macbook."

The inimitable Jana Weeks, a fellow Connecticut transplant loving the Boston life.
She's true-blue and normally appears just when I need an old friend most.

Self-explanatory (I hope).

"The Fam" grows ever larger: Now with Corinne, who can call a foal from across a pasture.

I call this series, "Somebody Else Took These Pictures."

Embarking for PEI, Canada, 2 minutes after emailing my last-ever school assignment.
Fellow trippers: me, roommates Rebecca and Julianna, and my sister Jen, who is
wearing my shirt!!!

Memorial Day Weekend Sporting Extravaganza: My brother Patrick,
SO Bryan, me, my father, my sister Jen. Yes, we are a tall people.

Mini-Reunion/Graduation/Scott's Farewell Party:
Aunt Yvette, Mom, and Mere Mere

Embee does something called "Grateful Fridays." It's Wednesday, but I'm pretty grateful for the myriad chances the folks above have given me to break up my nights and days, otherwise spent in the dark cave of my apartment learning the law, with embarrassing stories and road trips and culinary experiments (hazelnut rice, anyone?) and water balloon fights.

Today, I'm grateful for other people's wisdom.

"The nature of the relationship, then, between the ideal and the real needs to be one of grace, of unconditional love and acceptance. If this is true, our house isn't divided. The ideal and the real are not fighting each other, and good relationship can begin. Good relationship involves holding onto the ideal and lovingly accepting the real. If the real is loved and accepted, it can be encouraged to grow toward the ideal."

-Henry Cloud


Blogger embee said...

you are too much.

how is it that you are the shortest one in the fifth picture down? this is impossible. you are the tallest person i know.

Blogger Jess Curtis said...

I know! I need to start carrying something around for scale, like an eggplant or the "average American adult female."


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