
Seriously, with All Due Respect...

I'm sorry, but this guy's latest post on the Pope (you may have to scroll down -- I think he updates every half hour, but you'll know it when you see it) has me in stitches. An excerpt:

"I was watching Meet the Press this morning, and it was all pope. They were interviewing lots of priests and religious scholars, and a lot of them said things like, 'He was a very holy and spiritual man.'

Yeah, he was the pope. I'm pretty sure 'spiritual' and 'holy' has to be somewhere on your resume. It's right up there with 'self-starter.'

Proficient in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Pontificating."

And I have to say I'm sorry, Will, because you're totally going to hate me for what I'm about to do, but it just reminded me too much of this totally awesome and somewhat incriminating conversation we had, oh, three months ago, after I admitted I'd been googling something other than Katie Holmes but just as ewil. Stalk much? Yes, please! Anyway, enjoy, and Will -- it was nice while it lasted, and we'll always have LRRW:

seefever: his hobbies should be "whatever I think Jesus liked to do"
querynine: carpentry
querynine: traveling
querynine: definitely camping
seefever: being born in mangers

querynine: the only one i can't see is skiing
querynine: unless it was when hell froze over during the three days the bible doesn't talk much about
seefever: a long weekend
querynine: maybe he was all, "dude. satan. it's over. just give me the keys of hell and death, and let's hit switzerland."
seefever: exactly
seefever: you have to take advantage of time off
seefever: he got a lot of lepers cured and it was MLK day on monday


querynine: it will be very hard to explain how i know these things
seefever: hahaha
seefever: tell them God told you
seefever: "So [NAME WITHHELD], God tells me you enjoy carpentry"
seefever: [NAME WITHHELD]: "Oh yeah, well then what's my..." You: "Deut. 6:4-9"
seefever: wow, that would be amazing

Ah ha. Ah ha ha ha. Oh, but we are laughing. We are making memories. We are having a good, good time.


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