
Now may you go

Haze gives way to driving rains and peals of thunder -- God laughing, some have said, no doubt at the limp way in which this body of mine flops and complains in the humidity with all the crotchety antics of an octogenarian. And yet these days feel like blessings, mostly because that is exactly what they are. Tests and expectations are set aside for the next few days as I travel a bit south of here, following a boy. I find myself trapped between wanting August to continue interminably and wishing September to be well on its way. See you in a week.

"Life is short, and we do not have too much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel the way with us:
So be swift to love, and make haste to be kind, and may the Divine Mystery, Who is beyond our ability to know but Who made us, and Who loves us, and Who travels with us, bless us and keep us in peace. Amen."


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