
May It Please the Court

Apologies to Mr. Gilmartin for writing a memo so insipid it barely warrants a response. Plaintiff's counsel had a difficult time of it this weekend as she found herself continually thinking, "You know, this time last week I was [arriving at Heathrow] [eating a meal so good it was unholy] [watching Captain Picard and Pacey duke it out on the stage] [falling up stairs] [defending my honor with penny candy and some well-placed blows to the chest] [strolling by the Thames in Putney] [etc.]."

Some of that is recaptured here, although not all of it since Plaintiff's counsel has become notoriously camera-shy in the last year, an effect which dulled her trusty Pennsylvanian's ability to take the camera out of his pocket at all, ever. Apparently she has great power over the will of men. Fear her.

Many thanks to BFB for leaving out the butt picture. (Jessica: "Whose butt is that?" Bryan: "I don't know. Did I take that? I think you took that." Jessica: "I took no pictures of butts." Bryan: "Wait a minute. Look at in context. That's not a butt. THAT IS YOUR ARMPIT.")


Blogger peterc said...

nice pics - are you telling me that you guys couldnt come up w/ something clever/obscene for a pic w/ the big clock? im disappointed...

Blogger Jess Curtis said...

I think part of it was that I got there, said hello, and then laid down the law pretty quickly: no "captain and crew" talk, and no taking pictures of things oddly positioned between other people's legs.

I also know he has some backup captions more in line with what you're looking for, and there's a vague threat that they'll appear if I don't behave myself.


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